Vegetable broth is one of the most appetizing options for preparing all kinds of meals. It can be used as a base for multiple stews and rice dishes.
However, vegetable-based soup is an excellent nutritional choice for dinners and lunches, as it combines a high amount of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, with a limited amount of calories. It is an alternative to other fast foods such as sandwiches or pasta, since it is a low-calorie option that is more satisfying and is great for our health. In addition, both children and adults like it.
The soup helps fill us up so that we eat less, which is very beneficial for all types of diets. In addition, many of the nutrients found in vegetables, including many water-soluble vitamins such as B, C, K, as well as fiber and a variety of minerals, help regulate the digestive tract and ensure that we get the amount of nutrients needed.
Eating soup has an extra benefit, since in general (especially if they have onions, leeks or celery) they are especially rich in potassium, thus regulating sodium and therefore significantly reducing fluid retention and helping to lose weight.
Carlota Organic’s vegetable broth is as healthy and natural as a homemade dish. It is low in carbohydrates and is made only from organically grown vegetables, cooked in the traditional way, without artificial colors or preservatives. It also contains a very low amount of salt, to make it a healthy food as well as easy to use, simply heat and drink, or ready to incorporate into other dishes.