It is a seaweed that is traditionally used in Asian cooking. Its diffusion throughout the rest of the world is becoming wider thanks to its multiple gastronomic applications. Pero para conocer mejor este superalimento podemos destacar sus principales propiedades y beneficios: Kombu seaweed is rich in water...

Food is the basis of health for anyone. Especially high-performance athletes should pay close attention to the food they eat. In this way, they cover their physical needs and maintain their health in an optimal state to face their routines. In this post we talk...

Carlota Organic joins ASOBIO (Spanish Association of Organic Producers and Marketers). Asobio is an organization created in 2020 that brings together the main producing, processing and marketing companies of the national organic sector, to help promote organic food in the national market, and to be a...

Pumpkins have unique properties, such as their high fiber content, and they also contain numerous minerals and vitamins. Pumpkin is a nutritious vegetable, and a very nutrient-dense food. It is low in calories but with many vitamins, including vitamin A, C, E or B6, as well...

Turmeric has been used as a food coloring for over 2,000 years. It is known (and sometimes confused) for being one of the main ingredients in curry, and responsible for its characteristic deep yellow color. Its use is widespread in Indian and Southeast Asian cuisine,...